
Les Lundis de l'Ined, 18 mars 2019

Présentation par Clémentine Rossier et Géraldine Duthé de l'ouvrage Inégalités de santé à Ouagadougou : Résultats d'un Observatoire de population urbaine au Burkina Faso paru aux éditions de l'Ined en début d'année.

Discutant : Joseph Larmarange

Résumé :

Avec une espérance de vie à la naissance estimée à 58 ans, la situation sanitaire du Burkina Faso, et en particulier celle de Ouagadougou, sa capitale, est emblématique de l’Afrique subsaharienne où la mortalité reste encore très élevée. Ce niveau élevé de mortalité s’explique par la forte prévalence des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires, de la malnutrition et des décès maternels. Mais en ville, les maladies non transmissibles progressent et sont aujourd’hui responsables de la majorité des décès. En Afrique subsaharienne où l’urbanisation est rapide, peu d’études se sont intéressées à la santé des populations vivant en marge des villes, pour beaucoup issues du milieu rural et pauvres. Ouagadougou compte aujourd’hui 2 millions d’habitants avec un taux de croissance qui dépasse les 7% par an. Des quartiers entiers se constituent de manière informelle à la périphérie de la ville. Depuis 2009, l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou (OPO) suit les habitants de cinq quartiers formels et informels de la capitale. À partir de ces données, devenues une source incontournable sur la santé urbaine en Afrique de l’Ouest, cet ouvrage dresse un bilan des différents fardeaux de maladies qui pèsent aujourd’hui sur les hommes et les femmes de ces quartiers aux différents âges de la vie, et ce, de façon inégale selon les caractéristiques socioéconomiques et environnementales. Les résultats présentés s’avèrent précieux pour l’élaboration des politiques de développement et d’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations d’Afrique. 

En savoir plus

Lundi 18 mars 2019, 133 boulevard Davout, 75020 Paris, Salle SAUVY

Ateliers DEMOSTAF Novembre-décembre 2018

Les ateliers collectifs DEMOSTAF se sont déroulés de la mi-novembre à la mi-décembre 2018 à l'Ined et à l'IRD. Ils ont permis de prendre part à diverses réunions :

  • Participation des équipes DEMOSTAF à une présentation CNIS et recensement, 28 novembre 2018, Paris, Insee
  • Séminaire Pôle PI-CEPED, Reproduction médicalement assistée et imaginaires sociaux, 29 novembre 2018, Paris, Ined
  • Séminaire interne, 3-4 décembre 2018, Paris, Ined
  • Réunion de coordination, 5 décembre 2018, Paris, Ined
  • Séminaire Rencontres de Statistique Appliquée : Comparer des données administratives dans un cadre international, 10 décembre 2018, Paris, Ined
  • Présentation de Bruno Lankoande sur Les inégalités face au décès entre milieux urbains et ruraux chez les adultes au Burkina Faso : mesures et effets de la migration, 13 décembre 2018, Paris, Ined

Internal Seminar, December 3-4 2018

DEMOSTAF internal seminar took place at INED on December 3rd and 4th 2018.

The three main objectives of this seminar were:

  • To make an inventory of the projects supported by DEMOSTAF since 2016
  • To stimulate the scientific and methodological exchanges around these projects between WPs
  • To define the future chapters of the collective works of the project


Ziguinchor International Conference, November 7th to 9th 2018

The thrid annual Ziguinchor Conference took place from November 7th to 9th. The conference was supported by DEMOSTAF, IRD and ISSP.


International Population Conference in Cape Town, Oct 29-Nov 4 2017

The next International Population Conference will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from October 29 to November 4. Many DEMOSTAF participants will be present. Fifteen people benefit from a DEMOSTAF financial support to attend the conference. This support is substantial and has been highly appreciated by IUSSP. A side meeting will be organized during the conference period to present scientific progress to the SAC members who will be there. We will come back to you once the date is confirmed. Some of you will be invited to present the progress of their work.
For more information please visit IUSSP website
An information meeting to the project’s Scientific Committee will be held on Monday October 30th at 7:00pm.
More details here

Mid-term meeting, September 2019 2017

DEMOSTAF organized its mid-term meeting at Ined on September 29th in the presence of Aleksandra Schoetz-Sobcazk, the project officer. Around thirty people were reunited to discuss the project’s progress.

Les lundis de l’Ined, October 2nd 2017

Presentation by Bruno Lankoande, Discussant Gilles Pison

Taking the example of Burkina Faso, where massive rural exodus continues to drive the urbanization process, this study tests the net effects of migration on urban-rural mortality differentials among adults aged 15-74. It is based on information collected at two demographic surveillance sites, one in a rural area (Nouna) and one in the city (Ouagadougou). The longitudinal data cover a recent period (2009-2013) and are analysed using a semi-parametric Cox model. In a rural environment with poor health conditions, it is the healthy individuals who migrate to the city, thereby strengthening the urban health advantage over the short term. While rural-urban migrants are positively selected in terms of health, they tend to lose their advantage over time as they adapt to life in the city. This deterioration after several years of urban residence is probably holding back the mortality transition at national level, given that these migrants were in better health in their environment of origin. For return migrants (rural-urban-rural), the absence of a negative selection effect in Burkina Faso again reflects the complex interplay between migration and health. Beyond compositional and contextual effects, the positive selection of rural-urban migrants is an aggravating factor in the health disadvantage of rural areas.

Read More

Monday, October 2nd 2017 at Ined, 133 boulevard Davout, 75020 Paris - Sauvy

DEMOSTAF Workshop September-October 2017

Collective workshops will take place in Europe at Ined, IRD and UCL in September and October 2017.

Meetings are also planned at Ined and Insee in September:

  • Participation of DEMOSTAF teams to "Insee welcome seminar", 26 septembre 2017, Insee, Paris
  • Scientific seminar, "Research ethics", Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil, 27 septembre 2017, Ined, Paris (14h00)
  • Meeting of DEMOSTAF ethics committee, 28 septembre 2017, Ined, Paris
  • Les Lundis de l’Ined, "Selective adult migration and urban-rural mortality differentials in Burkina Faso", Bruno Lankoande, October 2nd, Ined, Paris
  • Insee Seminar and meeting, October 5th, Insee, Paris
  • IPUMS Seminar, Lara Cleveland, October 9th, Ined, Paris
  • DEMOSTAF mid-term meeting, 29th September 2017, Ined, Paris  

Progress report 2016

The progress report for 2016 is now available.

Progress Report 2016

28th International Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), 29 October - 4 November 2017, Cape Town, South Africa

Statistics South Africa, on behalf of the Republic of South Africa, will host the 28th International Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) in Cape Town, South Africa at the Cape Town International Conference Centre (CTICC) from 29 October to 4 November 2017.

The IUSSP International Population Conference is a major international event drawing over 2,000 scientists, policy makers and practitioners in the global population community to meet and address issues of common concern.  The Conference takes place once every four years, providing a unique forum for population experts to take stock of recent research on population trends and issues and to debate possible actions and policy responses to the challenges posed by population phenomena.

The Conference will include invited plenary debates and panel discussions on population and sustainable development issues as well as over 240 scientific sessions featuring the results of recent research from around the globe. Sessions will cover a wide range of topics including international migration, sexual and reproductive health, poverty and inequality, population and environment interactions, the consequences of population ageing and issues related to children and youth, education, the labour force, and gender and human rights. There will also be a set of sessions on Population and Policy Challenges in Africa. Attention to advances in methods and data measuring population phenomena and evaluating progress towards health and development goals such as the SDGs will be a key concern cutting across all sessions.  In addition, there will be exhibits, side meetings and training sessions.

More information:

Webcast UN-EGM on "Methodology and lessons learned to evaluate the completeness and quality of vital statistics data from civil registration" (Nov. 3rd and 4th)

The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, together with Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) held a meeting of experts on “Methodology and lessons learned to evaluate the completeness and quality of vital statistics data from civil registration”. The event took place in New York on November 3rd and 4th 2016 and was broadcasted.
For more information, please visit the dedicated website.

ISSP celebrates its 25 years of existence, July 2016

Read all about the ISSP 25th anniversary celebration on its website

Videos from the scientific workshop (May 2016)

All the videos from the scientific workshop organised as part of the DEMOSTAF project on May 31st 2016 at Ined  are now available :

- Videos in French

- Videos in English

Listen to L’Université à du talent dedicated to the DEMOSTAF project (2016)

Introduction of the DEMOSTAF project on Zinguinchor radio. The two coordinators, Catherine Daurèle and Géraldine Duthé and Rila Ratovoson, Issa Bouare et Moussa Bougma, are Interviewed by Jean-Alain Goudiaby.

Listen to the radio show L’université à du talent

Find the Uasz Zigfm show on Facebook

First Demostaf Scientific Workshop Videos

Scientific workshop May, 31st 2016

The challenges of demographic data in Sub-Saharan Africa in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Organized by : DEMOSTAF, Pôle PI, IUSSP & UR DEMOSUD

The scientific workshop will take place at:

133 boulevard Davout
75020 Paris

Métros : Porte de Montreuil (M9), Porte de Bagnolet (M3)
Tram : T3b stop:  Marie de Miribel

Scientific workshop agenda

Séminaire de lancement DEMOSTAF du 25 au 30 Mai 2016

 The DEMOSTAF kickoff meeting will take place from May 25th to May 30th 2016 at Ined, 133 boulevard Davout 75020 Paris.

- Kickoff meeting from May 25th to May 30th 2016

- SAC meeting Agenda (May 30th 2016)